The biotechnology company is aware of the importance that the development and implementation of sustainable and solidarity actions have not only on the environment, but on the well-being of people and human staff at Certest Biotec.

From the beginning of the state of alarm the company has carried out different solidarity and voluntary actions as part of its Social Responsibility Plan, like the donation of the thermalcycler and extraction equipment which is necessary for the SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnosis, along with the provision of technical staff from the company for its start-up, and the delivery of sanitary protection material (gowns, gloves, masks …) to many local institutions.

Also with the aim of involving and promoting the economic reactivation of the community, important requests for medical supplies have been made to several local companies, such as the recent purchase of a significant number of face-masks from DIMA, supplier local company. An important amount of the purchased face-masks will be donated to the city’s Food Bank for its distribution among the families that need it most. The CDCOM company also joined this initiative by participating with the design of the label that includes the #certestestacontigo hastag. Certest volunteers were responsible for preparing together with the donations made by the entire staff.

In the words of Guadalupe del Buey, Head of the Certest Human Resources and Talent Management Area,“the use of face-masks is mandatory and results in a very high financial effort for families who are experiencing difficulties due to the pandemic. It is our duty to contribute not only in the field of diagnosis, but also doing our best to help everyone. It is a social and moral obligation that defines the values we promote at Certest.”

Certest has not only carried out actions outdoors. The main concern was the well-being of the staff. Permits such as teleworking, double work shifts and increased security measures with frequent tests to the entire workforce, makes visible the company’s commitment with health and welfare.

“We have not only reinforced security measures for all personnel who must be present at the facilities. We have also made an important effort to enable work from home, in addition to encouraging the enormous effort made by everyone with economic and reconciliation measures,“ highlights Guadalupe.

All these actions represent the confirmation of Certest Biotec’s commitment to achieving the sustainable development objectives -ODS- of the 2030 Agenda that the company has adopted, which is available Online.

The coming months will be crucial in the fight against the virus. The company is preparing for possible scenarios with a high demand for its diagnostic kits, while developing its policies and actions to help the most vulnerable sectors. The aim of Certest is to make a general calling to more companies to collaborate with its solidarity project.