The rapid growth of our company, with a presence in more than 130 countries, is accompanied by the implementation of new policies and actions focused on the improvement of our products and services, as well as our staff, social context and environment.
We are committed to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda:

Achieving sustainable development
in a diverse world
Principles of responsible action:
SDG 3. Good Health and well-being.
Periodic training · News break · Promotion of healthy habits
SDG 4. Quality education.
Internship students · Scholarship program · Partnerships with Universities and training centres· Career Plan · Doctoral programs
SDG 5. Gender Equality.
Gender equality · Work-life balance plan· Remuneration policies · Use of inclusive language
SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth.
Promotion of young workers in the company · Promotion of R+D+i · Promotion of economic growth and job creation · Provide decent working conditions
SDG 13. Climate action.
Sustainable facilities · Energy efficiency · Investment in R+D+i
SDG 17. Partnerships for the goals.
Collaboration with companies in the same sector, universities, public sector, partnerships and clusters · Encourage employee participation in achieving the SDGs
RSA+ 2022 Seal
> 2020: Obtaining the RSA 2020 Seal.
> 2021: RSA 2021 Award and obtaining the RSA + 2021 Seal.
> 2022: Renewal of the RSA + 2022 Seal.
The renewal of the RSA + 2022 Seal of the Social Responsibility Plan of Aragon confirms the commitment of Certest Biotec’s to the social principles of awareness, training and transparency that make up the Aragón Social Responsibility Plan.
The Government of Aragón, together with CEOE Aragón, UGT Aragón and CC.OO Aragón signed in November of 2015 the start of the Aragón Social Responsibility Plan, with the aim of promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in the self-employed, companies and all kinds of public and/or private Aragón organizations to implement and apply socially responsible practices.

Equality Plan
In 2018 we implemented the Equality Plan, which applies and develops measures to reconcile personal and work life, facilitating internal and external training, as well as collaboration with secundary schools and universities for mutual benefit.
The new 2021 release establishes the guidelines to achieve equality between women and men, along with the proper functioning and daily management of the company, establishing new objectives to be achieved, improvement strategies and new practices in this environment.
Certest Biotec, 2019 National Flexible Company Award, granted by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Welfare.
Competitiveness and employment are two words that mark the future of a country. Being competitive implies innovation, development, investment, spending control, effective management, results and wealth creation…
It also implies having a flexible management model and a spatial and temporal organization that allows employees to be innovative, effective, creative and productive.

Sustainable Mobility
Certest offers a large number of charging stations for electric vehicles, available for visitors and employees.
Certest, as part of its social and environmental responsibility policy, has a large number of charging stations at its facilities for the use of visitors and employees, thus showing its firm commitment to a greener future, while contributing to promoting adoption of electric mobility.
Electric chargers are an essential component in sustainable and ecological mobility. With a fleet of cars clearly shifting towards electrification, it is important to consider the importance of electric chargers in the workplace.