Certest Biotec, S.L. has been awarded the “3rd Millenium” prize because of its work in the field of molecular technology for the detection of pathogens causing infectious diseases.


Carlos Genzor, Technical Manager and founder of the Company, received the prize in the Etopía building in Saragossa. This event was organized by the “Heraldo de Aragón” newspaper, and tried to focus on the work that companies are doing in Aragón, as long as the need for the right diffusion  abour researching and innovation in Aragón.

Research an Innovation about molecular biology is the main focus for the company located in San Mateo de Gállego, and it’s expected to increase the product range and keep the internationalization process thanks to these techniques in short. Not surprisingly, Certest has placed its products in over 120 countries worldwide.

Genzor appreciated the award and had a special mention for the people involved in the R&D processes of the Company, noting the innovation as the major engine for sustainability.

Further information about Certest molecular biology, here.