Design and development of a medicine platform with a 5P (predictive, preventive, personalised, participatory, and population-based) approach using massive sequencing (NGS)
NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) and bioinformatics are powerful tools that facilitate the creation of highly precise protocols tailored to individual patients for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. This approach enables a 5P Medicine paradigm and represents a groundbreaking shift in the management of certain diseases.
The primary goal is the development and implementation of a technology platform that can flexibly and comprehensively cater to personalized medicine needs. This sample-to-answer platform encompasses the entire value chain, from sample processing to results interpretation, using advanced sequencing technology (NGS) and bioinformatics. Certest Biotec is leading this innovative project, with valuable collaboration from LevProt Bioscience.
The integration of patient genome sequencing and data analysis will be pivotal in delivering improved diagnoses, prognoses, and precision therapies, drawing from the patient's genetic profile and specific environmental factors. This project provides healthcare systems with state-of-the-art technological and bioinformatics resources to tackle genomics challenges effectively.
This project is co-funded by Government of Aragon within the framework of the programme of grants for enterprises to carry out experimental development and/or industrial research projects in the pharmaceutical sector in Aragon in 2022.

1,768,401.00 €
Execution period
09/2022 - 09/2024